Hindley Halloween | October 31st

We will have a spirit day on Tuesday, October 31st for all students. Halloween is one of the most exciting days of the year for children, and we want to celebrate the joy on campus!

Kindergarten and 1st grade families are invited to attend our annual share! We plan to hold this event outdoors at 9:00am so that our 2-5 students can attend also. If it rains on the 31st, we will have a limited audience in the Common Room of Kindergarten families only. Let’s cross our fingers for sunshine!

Students in kindergarten and 1st grade should carry their costumes with them to school. Their teachers will help them put their costumes on to prepare for the share.

Students in 2nd – 5th grades have some choices in how to participate in this fun day. With parental permission, students may wear an element of their costumes such a shirt, a cape, or a headpiece. “Weapons”, scary costumes, face make-up, excessively large or cumbersome outfits and accessories are not permitted. Teachers will ask students to remove any part of a costume that becomes overly distracting or disruptive to the learning process.

As an alternative to costumes, students can celebrate the day by wearing orange and black or Darien/Hindley colors of blue and white.

Finally, we will continue a tradition we started last Halloween. Classes are going to partner up to share some reading by flashlight. Students may bring in a book to share as well as a flashlight to use for this special event.